Marc and I have been casually talking about our honeymoon for some time. We had a number of ideas (Hong Kong and Malaysia, and San Francisco and California road trips, vineyards etc), but none of them seemed to really enthuse us for some reason. That is, until we came up with a few days in San Francisco and a stay in Maui, Hawaii! We both got excited about this idea, so Marc (who's sorting honeymoon stuff out) looked at flights and booked us with United. Ahhh, it's actually happening! We're all booked!
It's so great that Marc has put this in stone. When we were at some friends' wedding recently, towards the end of the night they were just buzzing with excitement at going away... I love that there's that to look forward to as the day draws to a close. We debated quite a while about whether to go straight after the wedding or not... I'm really glad we decided to do it straight away now. Apart from anything else, I think we'll really need the rest, and I'm excited that we'll have that time together.

I have been to SF before, but not with Marc. We're foodies so we'll love discovering it together. And Hawaii? I have always wanted to go. We're staying at the Four Seasons Maui. We are going to be spoilt rotten and I don't know if I can wait until June!
Have any of you been to Maui/SF? Any recommendations? And where did you go on honeymoon?

oh my goodness - i was just up in SF! it's so fantastic. we were actually talking about honeymooning too, and we also mentioned sf! it's just so lovely.
have a FABULOUS time! and if you have the time, please let us treat you and marc to dinner.
My mum and dad went to Thailand
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